The included USB stick contains a digital version of the manual, a test print and the slicer software ChiTuBox. Mars is still using the old .cbddlp file format. The 3.5-inch color touchscreen LCD is bright and allows for easy navigation to all of the various settings of the Mars 2 Pro. In this way, the device achieves particularly short layer curing times. Which size did you get? Move the Z-axis to the Z-zero point via the menu. You don't want to buy flex plate being too small. These devices are smaller than other 3D printers on the market. build size: 129 80 160 mm: Max. Our expert reviewers spend hours testing and comparing products and services so you can choose the best for you. I used to say that 3D printing had a hard time making models that looked cleaner than what you could find at a dollar store toy aisle, but the smooth surface of these models indicates it might be time to retire that comparison. This also guarantees even better adhesion. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. The chance of printer errors or crashes increases when printing files that are too large. Tom's Hardware is part of Future US Inc, an international media group and leading digital publisher. Print bed leveling on the Elegoo Mars 2 Pro is performed in the following steps: Like many other resin 3D printers, the Elegoo Mars 2 Pro* uses 405 nm UV resin. Can the Mars 3 Pro print an entire Kill Team starter box? The included drip bracket is a surprisingly useful tool that I found myself looking for after every print. To demonstrate this, I printed the Enna bust from Loot Studios, which features a wide cross-section that utilizes most of the available build area of the Mars 2 Pro. With a footprint of 200 x 200 x 400 mm, Elegoo Mars 2 Pro offers a build volume of 129 mm * 80 mm * 160 mm. According to Elegoo, the team expects units available on Amazon to order by the end of May. These are optional containers made from injection-molded plastic which, due to their significantly increased filling volume, offer a major advantage over the metal container included as standard with the Mars printer. Running through a preview of the ruins, the texture is clearly visible in Chitubox and the .05mm XY resolution makes it possible for the Mars 2 Pro to resolve this detail in the printed model. $139.64 at Newegg. Disclosure: Links marked with * are Affiliate Links. It would be hard for me to overstate how easy this is; the printer practically levels itself and only requires the two bolts be tightened back up after it has self-leveled. There may be a few delays in delivery due to supply chain disruptions. Unlike Mars, Mars 2 Pro uses a special sandblastingcraft on the surface of the build plate to provide stronger adsorption, reducing the risk of the model falling off during reprinting and improving the print success rate. Based on long-term customer feedback, we have also moved the USB port from the rear of the machine to the front, making it more convenient for your daily printing operations. Stay on top of AM industry trends with our monthly newsletter. Seriously, it's nearly ready to go out-of-the-box. The build platform on the Mars 2 Pro uses a spring-loaded ball-and-socket design that allows the platform to make contact with the masking LCD without pushing into it and damaging the LCD. I have deliberately disabled the edge smoothing in ChiTuBox to better judge the accuracy. ELEGOO Resin 3D Printer Mars 2 Pro Mono Msla 3D Printer Uv Photocuring LCD Resin 3D Printer with 6.08 Inch 2K Monochrome LCD, Printing Size 129X80X160Mm, . These offer XY resolutions in the range of 30 micrometers. The Elegoo Mars 2 Pro looks like a typical resin 3D printer from the outside: tinted acrylic UV-resistant lid, front-facing LCD screen, and a build platform suspended from a linear rail on the Z axis. The official FEP according to the packaging is .15 mm, and most slices are .02 to .05 mm. With this you dont have to define the 3D printer individually all settings like print bed size and resolution are inserted automatically. The 1st value on the detector represents the formaldehyde, and the TVOC below stands for Total Volatile Organic Compounds, which are any carbon-containing compounds involved in photochemical reactions in the atmosphere, apart from carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, carbonic acid, metal carbides, carbonates and ammonium carbonate. The Elegoo Mars Pro offers 3D resin prints in the 120x68x155mm form factor, without skimping on build or print quality. In traditional RGB screen printers, UV light is under-utilized when it reaches the LCD, which extends the curing time of each layer of the model. It is four times longer in lifespan and two times faster in printing speed than the regular RGB LCD 3D printers, which means higher printing efficiency, more stable performance, and less maintenance. It is four times longer in lifespan and two times faster in printing speed than the regular RGB LCD 3D printers, which means higher printing efficiency, more stable performance, and less maintenance. We know both the original Mars and the Mars 2 Pro apply the cob light source, which is a highly efficient integrated area light technology that attaches the LED chip directly to the substrate. According to your needs, you can replace your printer tank to extend the life of you printer. With about 1.5 times the print volume, you can print much larger models than before! In application, this increase in light intensity means that, assuming Elegoo resin is being used, the Elegoo Mars Pro is slightly faster than the Elegoo Mars, which has a layer cure time of six seconds per layer, compared to eight seconds. I experienced delamination on the final layers before learning from Elegoo the exposure requirements vary between the colors and types of resin. 3X faster curing speed and 4X longer durability of the LCD. First, compared to Mars, Mars 2 Pro has a slightly larger build volume: 12.9*8*16 cm. Neptune 3 series Comparison: Pro vs Plus vs Max, ELEGOO Established Sponsorship with BB2C Makerspace to help makers experience 3D printing, ELEGOO Established Sponsorship with MakeUC to offer Prizes to MakeUC 2022 winners. The USB port for loading prints is on the front panel by the LCD display for easy access, instead of sitting in the back. This is a welcome change from the four-bolt process on the Longer Orange 10, which can cause the build platform to move as the bolts are tightened. I used Elegoo Water Washable Beige resin (opens in new tab) for this print and used the same default settings in Chitubox I used for the clear green resin. If you look very closely, you can see the individual layers. print speed-Features; Heated build chamber-Extruder: Dual extruder . The LCD is the only interface between you and the printer, so the responsiveness of the screen is important when calibrating the build platform and selecting a part to print. The first model of the Elegoo Mars does not have an air filter unit. . If you want an affordable printer with professional results, Mars Pro is definitely a strong contender. Resin drip stand / Resin abtropf Stnder . Ash Hill is a Freelance News and Features Writer at Tom's Hardware US. Itis Of course, while selling this "killer" product, the ELEGOO team has never stopped researching how to bring you more cutting-edge and affordable LCD printers. With a built-in air filter, easy build platform leveling, and a .05mm XY resolution, the Mars 2 Pro sets the benchmark for MSLA resin 3D printers in the sub-$300 price range. Sturdy build qualityCNC machined aluminum body makes Mars 2 Pro a very formidable machine. These are affiliate advertising programs designed to enable websites to earn advertising revenue through advertising and linking to and others. No misprint occurred and every piece achieved a really very good quality. A larger fill volume gives you longer printing between refills of the tank and shortens the time you have to work with exposed resin. If some resin gets on the surface, you can wipe it off with 99% isopropyl alcohol*. COB light source has proved itself to be a fantastic upgrade that ensures each printing comes out perfectly. The resolution of the 2K LCD screen is 1620 x 2560 pixels. With such limited build space, the printer is suitable for smaller models. The test print included with the Elegoo Mars 2 Pro is the same model thats included with the Saturn; a pair of rooks with fine features inside and outside of the model. However, because of the huge build size of Elegoo Saturn, its overall X/Y pixel size rests at 50 microns, which is slightly less detailed than the X/Y pixel size of both Mars Pro and Mars. With a per-layer exposure time of 2.5 seconds made possible by the mono LCD, the Mars 2 Pro rockets ahead of resin 3D printers with traditional LCD screens like the Creality LD-002R which can take up to 9 seconds per layer to cure. In addition, there is a drip device for the print bed. Layer Thickness: 0.01-0.2mm; Printing Speed: 22.5mm/h Power Requirements: 110-220V 50/60Hz 12V6A 72W Printer Dimensions: 7.87in (L) * 7.87in (W) * 16.14in (H) Build Volume: 4.53in (L) * 2.56in (W) * 5.9in (H) Weight: 16.5Lbs (7.5Kg) Printing Parameter: System: EL3D-3.0.1 Operation: 3.5 Inch Touch Screen Slicer Software: Chitu Box You cant go wrong with this 3D printer its one of the best! If youre looking for a printer thats less expensive than the $260 Mars 2 Pro, you can get similar results from the original Mars Pro which is currently $189.99 on Amazon and $179.99 direct from Elegoo. In principle, you must always put on your protective gear before you pour the resin into the tank before printing and when you pour the remaining resin back into the bottle, clean the print object, the printing plate, the tools and the tank. Chitubox includes a profile designed for the Mars 2 Pro, and the settings are worth examining more closely. These can be attributed in part to the underlying light source. If you are still a beginner to 3D printing, any model in the Mars series is a good choice. The Elegoo Mars 3* has a 4K resolution (4098 x 2560). You should almost never build directly on the build plate instead take the extra ten-fifteen minutes of print time and properly support your stuff, it will come out much better, and dimensionally accurate. If I had printed the test model on the USB stick without an adjustment in the slicer, I would have just produced some slimy residue in the resin tank. He is always working on new experiments, designs, and reviews and sharing his results on Tom's Hardware, YouTube, and more. But this should not happen anyway, because the Z-zero is already set pretty accurately at delivery and you ensure by leveling that this can not happen in the future. As you can see from the results, both are in line with EU standards already, but the TVOC indicator of Mars 2 Pro is much lower than that of Mars, which proves that the air purification system of Mars 2 Pro has a considerable effect. I hope this helps someone else! Some often criticized features have been optimized and new surprising upgrades have been added, which definitely justifies the slight price jump. The build plate on the Mars 2 Pro has a slight taper to it, which allows resin to drip off the edges while printing. Credit: I centered this model in the center of the build platform, but Chitubox confirmed that up to four of these models could be printed simultaneously in the same amount of time. Andrew Sink first used a 3D printer in 2012, and hasbeen enthusiasticallyinvolved in the 3D printing industry ever since. It's hard not to compare the Mars Pro to its predecessor, the Mars. This filter pulls air from the inside of the lid when its placed over the printer and filters it before exhausting out of the machine. It is therefore very important that you always wear disposable gloves and a respiratory mask when working with liquid resin to protect yourself. The current flagship of the Mars series, the Elegoo Mars 2 Pro offers rock-solid CNC machined aluminum construction, a 2K resolution mono LCD with a per-layer cure time of 2.5 seconds and an integrated air filtration unit. The Double Wham contains: 1 WB Magnetic Base with 3M adhesive resistant to harsh solvents and chemicals like resin, mean green, and isopropyl alcohol 2 WB Flexi Build Plate (spring steel) with a custom etched texture on both sides In its liquid form, this resin is toxic and also emits toxic fumes. Learn more A Martian Marvel? ELEGOO Mars 2 Mono LCD Resin 3D Printer Technical Specifications: System: EL3D-3.0.2 Slicer Software: ChituBox Technology: UV Photocuring Layer Thickness: 0.01-0.2mm Printing Speed: 30-50mm/h Z Axis Accuracy: 0.00125mm XY Resolution: 0.05mm (1620*2560) Build Volume: 5.08in (L)*3.15in (W)*5.90in (H) 129mm (L)*80mm (W)*150mm (H) Elegoo Mars 2 Pro comes with a 6.08-inch monochrome LCD with a modern 2K HD resolution. I prefer the solution Elegoo came up with on the Saturn; by adding four screws to the edges of the vat it sits slightly raised when placed on a surface which keeps the delicate vat away from anything that could potentially damage it. In ChiTuBox there is a separate tab where you can generate the supports automatically or set them manually. However, since you have to open the device anyway, for example, to remove the prints, change the resin or clean the entire printer, the smell will still be released. This is a simple concept, but the execution requires a few considerations to ensure success. build volume: 1.65 L: Max. The exposure time is set within Chitubox when slicing the file for printing. Subscribe to getthe latest special offers, free giveaways, and once-in-a-lifetime deals from ELEGOO. For reference, the Sonic Mini 4K has a .035mm XY resolution, as opposed to the .05mm XY resolution of the Mars 2 Pro. It is adequately protected with foam and the accessories are stored in a small extra box. You can load a custom print or use of the pre-loaded test files from Elegoo. If you'd like a comparison, check out our review of the Elegoo Mars here. The examples I printed above took at least an hour each. Be sure to protect yourself when using resin printers like the Elegoo Mars Pro. And the Mono LCD we choose on the Mars 2 Pro is designed specifically for the resin printing industry, with a higher UV light transmittance of 405nm and more than 4 times the light power of an RGB LCD. The Prusa SL1S has a build volume of 127 x 80 x 150 mm (5 x 3.15 x 5.9 in), while the Elegoo Mars 2 Pro has a build volume of 143 x 90 x 165 mm (5.6 x 3.54 x 6.5 in). After unpacking and unwrapping all of the components (base, hood, and build plate), connect it to power and get ready to test print. After rinsing the model in warm water and scrubbing off the excess resin, I detached the support material with minimal effort and virtually no scarring on the model. It will also be easy to get an enclosure for it, either for keeping a steady temperature or keeping the fumes away. The team at Elegoo gives you everything you need to start printing: masks, gloves, and even filters for storing unused resin. apply code DTF8YQ7M6X21 to get extra$20 OFF. The build volume on the Mars 2 Pro is on par with other machines in this price range like the Anycubic Photon, but it may be limiting if youre hoping to make larger creations. The ratio of printer size and print volume is very good. Tom's Hardware is part of Future US Inc, an international media group and leading digital publisher. So while it's down all the way set the lift height to 0.1 mm and hit the button to go up twice. While the Mars 2 Pro takes about one hour and 40 minutes to print, the Mars and Mars Pro take more than two hours and 40 minutes to print the same project. . While the Elegoo Mars Pro used an optimized illumination system to provide improvements in curing times compared to the Mars, the Mars 2 Pro uses an even more powerful light source. The Anycubic Photon Mono SE* has an XY resolution of 51 m and a build volume of 130 x 78 x 160 mm. We just sent you an email to validate your subscription By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. 2) the build plate is a bit bigger than similar machines. by psdesign Oct 3, 2019 . As mentioned before, the test object, the chess tower, has a flat base. The Mars 2 Pro now uses an LCD without the color filter, so in practice, it can let 3 times as much light pass through to expose the resin. After curing the model in a UV-curing chamber, the finished product looks like a piece of cut emerald. A solid block of this material, printed onto a solid metal platform, is very difficult to remove and usually results in damage to the build plate or the printed part. The printing size is slightly bigger on the Z-axis . The main differences between the Elegoo Mars, the Elegoo Mars Pro and the Elegoo Mars 2 Pro lie primarily in the special features and measures that the manufacturer has taken to further optimize the original Mars. Does anyone here have a flex plate on their Mars 2? We're the place to be for your Elegoo needs & wants! The Mars Pro is an impressive resin printer with an expected price of $369. Face masks, rubber gloves, paper filters for filtering resin, a pair of scrapers and a measuring cup are all common consumables that youll be using with this machine and Elegoo has included enough to get you started in the box. Not only does it offer the same improvement in user-friendliness, but it also convinces with its monochrome LCD panel, which not only provides the user with shorter curing times of the layers but also increases the longevity of the device at the same time. So just a few months ago. I added a file gcode a launches on the printer (print file). Both of these rooks are solid on the bottom, which results in a part that is extremely difficult to remove from the build platform. There are a few aesthetic changes like a new color for the UV hoodwhich is red (instead of orange) and features a gasket to help seal fumes. With the Elegoo Mars Pro, it can take some time to hone in settings that provide smooth, detailed prints. 1 / 9 115 25 r/AnycubicPhoton Join 3 days ago The resin can be harmful when making contact with skin, so make sure to wear gloves when pouring, cleaning up, or handling uncured resin. The Elegoo Mars 2 Pro shares many visual and functional similarities to its predecessor, the Mars Pro. Newly-designed sandblasted build plate has a much stronger adherence during printing and enables consistent printing success. Elegoo recommends increasing exposure time for the bottom layer to help with adhesionuseful if prints are falling off the build plate. It should be at least as wide as the print bed. Chitubox uses a simplified interface that is friendly to first-time users but also offers enough features to satisfy the requirements of advanced users looking for more granular control. The above is all the content of this guide, do you still have any doubts about ELEGOO Mars 2 Pro? The Mars, as well as the Mars Pro, feature a build plate measuring 120 x 68 millimeters and a 5.5-inch LCD screen, while the Mars 2 Pros build plate measures 130 x 68 millimeters and features a 6-inch screen. The detail on the model is top-notch, and even at the standard layer resolution of .05mm, the hair on the model looks like an injection-molded model. Future US, Inc. Full 7th Floor, 130 West 42nd Street, The case design is very similar to the Mars, but it's little things like a USB port on the front instead of the back and a larger resin tank that make a huge difference. Great working order - now have Anycubic Mono X (larger format) Included : Elegoo Mars 2 PRO with Power Adapter Magnetic Build Plate Extra FEP Custom Exhaust- to 3" (just add 120mm fan on end) Double Arm Build Plate Drip VAT Drip to Elegoo Bottle Original USB Upgraded to Latest Firmware Printing Size 129 * 80 * 160mm/5.1 * 3.1 * 6.3inch Fast Printing and less maintenanceMars 2 You will be impressed by the print result if you have never worked with a resin 3D printer. Fast Printing and less maintenanceMars 2 Pro comes with a 6.08 inch monochrome LCD of 2K HD resolution and only takes 2 seconds per layer exposure to cure resin, which could significantly enhance your printing efficiency. The USB drive contains a digital version of the user manual, a test print, and the Chitubox slicing software used by the machine. To test the print quality I printed the test object on the USB stick and two very detailed figures: I chose these models because I wanted to print models that had a lot of detail and where the positioning of support and hollowing was important. Upgrade from set screws to anti-slip hexagon socket screws providing a more stable and long-lasting leveling result. Lower the build plate using the Z-axis movements until it touches the piece of paper. There is also a predefined profile for the Elegoo Mars 2 Pro*. ChituBox has been very helpful when using ELEGOO resin 3D printers from slicing .stl file to adding supports. Save the finished file to the USB stick and you can start printing. Elegoo has recently announced the Mars 3 Ultra 4K (opens in new tab), which will replace the Mars 2 Pro as the flagship of the Mars line. The user interface is easy to understand and intuitively designed. Re-leveling is sometimes necessary when troubleshooting print issues. It comes with an Allen wrench for replacing or fastening the screws of the build plate. We also added 2 pieces of spare FEP along with the printer. It offers a build volume of 129 80 160 mm5.08 3.15 6.3 in. Resin 3D printers like the Elegoo Mars 2 Pro are popular in the tabletop-gaming community, and with good reason. The high resolution of the Elegoo Mars 3 makes beautifully detailed parts, but the plastic shell of the machine feels like a step backwards for the Mars line-up of printers. This will clear the FEP and give you approximately .5 mm for the resin to flow. Back out of that menu and then hit Set Z = 0. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. This extension allows a greater intensity of UV light to pass through and thus ensures that the photopolymer resin can solidify more quickly. The drip bracket lets you mount the build platform at an angle after printing, which drains the resin back into the vat and makes scraping the rest off easy. I've seen this as the recommended size by both Fulament and Wham Bam. Through this technology, you only need 2 seconds per layer of exposure to cure the resin in the printer. Perfect option of fast switching and cleaning for people who need high print efficiency. We mainly compare the TVOC values of the two. The reason for this is its 2560 x 1620 pixel panel, which contains more pixels than the predecessor models from a technical point of view, but they also have to be distributed over a larger surface area. Warranty and ServiceWe provide a 1-year warranty on the whole printer and 6-month warranty for the 2K LCD (FEP film is excluded). ELEGOO Mars 3 Pro Resin 3D Printer with 6.66 inch 4K Monochrome LCD Screen Odor Reduction Function Fast Printing and High Accuracy 143mm x 89mm x 175mm Large Printing Size Visit the ELEGOO Store 525 ratings | 34 answered questions $33599 FREE Returns Join Prime to buy this item at $299.99 The Mars Pro comes ready to go in the box. So with the Mars 2 Pro, you can print larger objects than with the Mars Pro. Find out more about how we test. Brand: Unbranded. We all know Mars 2 Pro has a monochrome LCD, but what are the benefits of this new tech? I like how Elegoo has efficiently packed the Mars 2 Pro, and this densely-packed box contains almost everything you need to get started printing as soon as you pop it open. The water washable resin makes the post-processing of a model like this a minimally messy process. I want to get a flex plate for my Mars 2 (the normal green one) but I noticed that the build sizes for the plates seem off. With a print area of 143 x 90 mm, it achieves an XY resolution of 35 m. All Rights Reserved, This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website, Neptune 3 Plus: Unboxing & Setup &Review. Pros +. Multi language interfaceMars 2 Pro now supports 12 kinds of languages so customers across the world could operate the 3D printer more conveniently without barries.The newly added 10 languages are Japanese, Dutch, Korean, French, German, Russian, Italian, Spanish, Turkish and Portuguese. The Elegoo Mars Pro supports the same photopolymer resin as the Mars. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. The z-axis has been improved as well as the UV LED which now uses a 50-watt source instead of 40W. With its simple operation and good price-performance ratio, it is also very suitable for beginners. The Elegoo Mars 2 Pro uses the included Chitubox software for preparing models for 3D printing. If you basically make sure that the 3D printer is located in a well-ventilated room, you will achieve almost the same effect as with an air filter. The printer stands out for its high accuracy and fast speed. Discover the Mars 2 Pro price and technical specs in our overview. Especially the printing of the many small parts of the Tiger Warrior took a lot of time. It also has Wi-Fi connectivity and the option to monitor it via an app. Printing Miniature Models on the Elegoo Mars 2 Pro. The Mars 2 Pro is equipped with a 6-inch LCD with 2560 x 1620 pixels. After a quick rinse in 99% isopropyl alcohol, I was able to easily detach the support structure from the model and wash the excess resin off the inside and outside of the model. Whereas, there are some disparities in the way light sources are utilized between the two. Perfect option for quick toggling and cleaning for people who need high print efficiency. All Rights Reserved, This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. Just like the first print, the support structure on the model printed perfectly and held the model to the build platform without warping or curling. As we suggested before, the Elegoo Mars 2 Pro is packed with several features that make the printer the impressive machine that it is. ELEGOO Mars 2 Pro - Printing Showcase Every single chain link is visible in detail and there are no printing errors. If it's your first time printing, you will need an A1 sheet of paper to level the build plate. For Mars 2 Pro precision perfectly presented throughout the full model but it may not be perfectly presented in a certain chance on the result from the original Mars. This smaller resolution is due to the larger print area, resulting in a slightly smaller XY resolution despite the higher resolution of the LCD screen. It is located on the back of the original device. Especially the chain mail impressed me because you can see the high accuracy of the 3D printer. Once you have properly leveled the print bed, you can use it to make multiple prints in a row without any problems. Not only the relatively affordable price and its excellent printing performance are convincing, but also the all-around simple operation, which makes the Mars a suitable device even for beginners. Make a txt-file with the following: M8010 S0.000622; Set mm/steps Default 0,000625mm/Step M8500 ; SAVE MUST DO THIS IN EVER G CODE SET YOU SEND THE PRINTER Store it yourname.gcode and print it on the . It's best to have your print loaded up on the flash drive before adjusting the resin tray. All Rights Reserved, This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website, ELEGOO Mars 2 Pro Resin 3D Printer with 2K Mono LCD, ELEGOO Jupiter Resin 3D Printer with 12.8" 6K Mono LCD, ELEGOO Saturn 2 Resin 3D Printer with 10'' 8K Mono LCD, ELEGOO Saturn 8K mSLA Resin 3D Printer with 10 Mono LCD, ELEGOO Saturn S Resin 3D Printer with 9.1'' 4K LCD.
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